The Folson Group

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Spread the Holiday Cheer

How to Show Gratitude to Your Building Staff


'Tis the season for giving, and what better way to show appreciation than by tipping your building staff for their year-round service and dedication? The holiday season is a perfect time to express gratitude to the hardworking individuals who keep our coop and condo buildings running smoothly. At The Folson Group, we understand the importance of fostering a sense of community within your NYC coop building.

Before diving into showing your appreciation during the holidays, we welcome you to take a moment to understand how well you know your building staff. Here are some thoughtful ideas to make your coop building staff feel truly valued throughout the year:


Learn Their Names:

Do you greet your building’s staff with the same curtesy and respect that they greet you? Take a moment to know the names of your building’s staff members. A personal greeting and addressing them by name can make a significant impact. It shows respect and that you value them as individuals. Hey, they call you by name, why not try to remember their names?

Understand Your Staff’s Responsibilities:

Familiarize yourself with the roles and responsibilities of each staff member. While the resident manager or superintendent heads the entire staff and often seems like the superhero, knowing the responsibilities of the rest of the staff makes it easier to think about how much you value what they do. Whether it's the concierge, doorman, maintenance crew, or cleaning staff, understanding their contributions helps you tailor your appreciation gestures to their specific efforts. Remember, just because you don’t always see them doesn’t mean they aren’t valued team members. Many people never see the overnight doorman, but does the person keeping watch while you sleep not deserve to be remembered and appreciated?

Know Their Working Hours:

While many union doorman buildings in Manhattan have a staff that work three shifts in 8-hour increments, it’s always good practice to know who is working what hours. Being aware of the working hours of your building staff is good practice as then you know who to expect to see. Knowing the staff’s working hours is especially handy when expressing your gratitude. Consider the demands of their schedules and try to time your expressions of gratitude accordingly. Whether it's a handwritten note left at their station or the annual Christmas tip, thoughtful timing enhances the impact.


Wondering how much other New Yorkers are tipping their coop's staff? Dive into our strategic partner, Brick Underground's "NYC Holiday Tipping Guide." With years of experience covering all aspects of tipping, this guide provides valuable insights into the best practices for expressing gratitude during the holiday season. And while you’re there anyway, check out the Boards & Buildings portal.

This holiday season, let's come together as a community to make our building staff, super, resident manager, and every handyman, doorman and porter feel appreciated for their hard work and dedication!