The Folson Group

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Enhancing Safety and Well-being in Coop NYC

5 Steps to Proactive Coop and Condo Board Management

In the busy landscape of coop and condo board management and responsibilities, the tragic incident at Champlain Towers South underscored the critical need for a proactive approach in coop and condo buildings. Rather than reacting to issues as they arise, proactive boards can safeguard their communities and create a thriving living environment. Here are five actionable steps to shift from a reactive to a proactive mindset in coop board responsibilities.


  1. Educate Yourself: To make informed decisions, boards must delve into the intricacies of current systems and explore potential upgrades. Particularly, understanding the heating plant is crucial to navigate the upcoming Local Law 97 fines. Knowledge is the first line of defense against emergencies.

  2. Develop a Plan and Take Ownership: Crafting a comprehensive plan, whether a simple spreadsheet or an elaborate ten-year capital project outline, is key. Taking ownership of this roadmap ensures that maintenance and improvements are executed systematically, contributing to the overall well-being of the building.

  3. Be Solution-Focused: Initiate with manageable projects that yield immediate or significant impact. Crossing off completed tasks builds momentum, propelling boards towards their goals. A solution-focused mindset fosters progress and resilience in the face of challenges.

  4. Be Accountable: Avoid the pitfalls of delaying essential tasks. Commit to completing planned actions and steer clear of repeatedly tabling agenda items. Accountability is the linchpin that transforms plans into tangible results, ensuring the safety of residents.

  5. Use Productivity Tools: Employ SMART goals and the Eisenhower Box to stay focused on priorities. These tools assist in effective time management, allowing boards to maximize productivity and address critical issues promptly.


In the aftermath of Champlain Towers South, the imperative of proactive co-op and condo management cannot be overstated. By adopting these five steps—educating, planning, focusing on solutions, being accountable, and utilizing productivity tools—boards can cultivate a secure and positive living environment. Embracing a proactive mindset is not just a commitment to safety; it's a pledge to the well-being and harmony of the entire community.

Ready to transform your coop or condo board management approach? Start by incorporating these proactive steps and witness the positive impact on safety, well-being, and community harmony. Your residents deserve a proactive and thriving living environment.