Short, Sweet, and Productive

Board meeting tips for New York City coop boards and Brooklyn condo boards

The Ideal Length for Your Next NYC Co-op or Condo Board Meeting


As a member of a New York City co-op or condo board, you understand the importance of conducting regular board meetings to manage the operations of your building. However, finding the balance between covering all the necessary topics while not stretching the meeting out for an unreasonable amount of time can be challenging. In this article, we will explore the benefits of keeping your NYC co-op or condo board meeting time less than one hour for optimal efficiency and productivity.

The length of a co-op or condo board meeting depends on several factors such as the size of the building, the complexity of the issues to be discussed, and the number of attendees. However, research suggests that shorter board meetings, around 30-60 minutes, can be more efficient and productive.

One of the primary reasons for limiting the meeting length is to ensure that board members stay focused and engaged. Research suggests attention spans begin to decline after 20 minutes, with one study showing that the average person's attention span during a meeting is only 18 minutes.

Furthermore, Harvard Business Review’s “Time management is about more than life hacks,” found that managers and executives consider one-third of their meetings to be a waste of time, while 71% reported that meetings are unproductive and inefficient.

These statistics highlight the importance of keeping meetings concise and productive to maximize their effectiveness. By limiting meetings to less than an hour, you can help ensure that attendees stay focused and engaged and that important decisions are made in a timely manner.

Furthermore, shorter meetings can lead to more effective decision-making as they help to create a sense of urgency and can motivate members to participate more actively, which can lead to more productive outcomes. When meetings are concise, members tend to be more efficient with their time and can better prioritize the most important topics. This means that decisions can be made more quickly, reducing the need for follow-up meetings.


Here are five tips for keeping your co-op board meetings under 60 minutes:

  1. Have a clear agenda: A clear agenda sets expectations for what will be covered in the meeting and keeps attendees focused. Send out the agenda ahead of time so that everyone has a chance to review it and come prepared with any necessary materials.

  2. Stick to the agenda: Once the meeting starts, make sure to stick to the agenda and avoid going off on tangents. If someone brings up a topic that isn't on the agenda, suggest that it be discussed in a separate meeting.

  3. Set a time limit for each item: Assign a time limit for each agenda item and stick to it. This helps to keep the meeting moving and ensures that important topics are discussed without wasting time on less crucial items.

  4. Encourage participation: Encourage all attendees to participate and share their thoughts, but also remind them to be concise and to the point. If someone is taking too long to make their point, ask them to summarize it quickly and move on.

  5. End on time: Make a commitment to end the meeting on time. This demonstrates respect for attendees' time and ensures that everyone can move on to their next task. If some agenda items were not covered, schedule another meeting to address them.

By following these tips, you can keep your meetings under 60 minutes while still covering all the necessary topics and making productive decisions.

In conclusion, keeping your NYC co-op or condo board meeting less than one hour can provide optimal efficiency and productivity. Shorter meetings can help to keep members focused and engaged, increase attendance, and lead to more effective decision-making. Remember to be mindful of attendees' time and schedules, and aim to create a positive environment for board members to participate actively in the meeting. By embracing shorter meetings, you can optimize the time spent discussing important issues, leading to a more successful and productive board.


Need help with a construction project for your building? The Folson Group provides construction project management services that makes co-op and condo board engagement filled with a feeling of accomplishment. Set up a strategy call with us.


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